There’s No Such Thing as a Free… Breakfast?

Tomorrow (Tuesday) is free pancake day at IHOP. How do I know this with such certainty? Because I took my children there tonight, Monday. As in the day before free friggin pancake day. Anyone want to guess what my kids ordered?

See, it began with the drive home from day care. The kids started in with the “Mommmmm. We’re hungry!” and soon it had turned into, “Mommmmm…. can you please take us somewhere to eat? NOT home. Please?” Tonight was my first night back with the kids. They’d been with their dad since Friday night. Normally, I get them back Sunday night, but we were stuck at our cabin up north. I mean stuck. Two feet of snow in less than 24 hours. Broke the plow and everything. Anyway, I digress. So, I picked up the kids and had been seriously missing them. When they started in on me about eating out, I remembered some commercial I heard on the radio about IHOP and free breakfast and a Lorax. When my kindergartener suggested IHOP, it was almost as if he was reading my mind. My mind likes coupons and things that are free…

We drove from Chugiak back to the valley, which was surely quicker than heading into Anchorage… and sat down at a table at IHOP. My wrecking crew burst into that restaurant like bulls in a china shop. It was as we were sitting down and the hostess was handing us the Lorax themed menus that I asked, “What’s the deal with the free pancakes?” Her reply? “Oh, that’s tomorrow.”

Do you think I loaded my children back into the car and drove home to feed them grilled cheese or cold cereal at that point? No. Of course not. We sat and ate. I paid for the pancakes that in less than 12 hours will be free. The redeeming factor, besides quality time with my kids? I found an IHOP coupon in my car…

Editor’s Note: Thank you to Mom Land reader, Dawn, for pointing out this “free” pancake day is actually a fundraiser for the Children’s Hospital at Providence. Please, donate. It is for a good cause. The doctors, nurses and staff there are great. Our children have have stayed there a few times. Beyond dollars, these kids can use your prayers as well.

10 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. erin
    Feb 28, 2012 @ 07:44:20

    Bummer!! I thought yesterday was National Pancake day, so to “honor” the day thats what we had for dinner last night, only to find out to day is the day 🙂 leaves me wondering if i can get away with breakfast for dinner 2 nights in a row?? 🙂


  2. Dawn Rafferty Bloechl
    Feb 28, 2012 @ 08:02:00

    Free pancake day is a fundraiser for The Children’s Hospital at Providence. You must make a donation to get the “free” pancakes. Nothing is free……
    My daughter is a fixture at Providence because she has leukemia. I hope you never need TCHAP’s help but this is one of the ways they provide the wonderful services they offer. Life changes in an instant.


    • Mom Land
      Feb 28, 2012 @ 12:07:16

      Dawn, Thank you for that reminder. I failed to mention that in my post. Unfortunately, two of my three children have had extended stays at TCHAP. I’m sorry your family is going through such a hardship. I will keep your daughter in my prayers. You are right, life does change in an instant. God bless you.


    • Kara
      Feb 28, 2012 @ 19:56:17

      Dawn, may I ask how old your daughter is? My son is a 7 yr old lymphoma patient, currently in remission. His best friend, a leukemia survivor/bone marrow transplant recipient, recently moved out of state. We are always looking for fellow “cancer buddies.”

      Oh and Aniela – if I had known you were in the Valley we would have joined you! I was actually debating IHOP for dinner the other night, how odd…


  3. Taryn
    Feb 28, 2012 @ 21:00:50

    There’s a national pancake day? and I missed it????

    I think we’ll do pancakes for dinner one night this week for a belated celebration 🙂


  4. Dawn Rafferty Bloechl
    Mar 01, 2012 @ 08:47:37

    Ellie is 5 (6 in April)



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