Meet Mr. Violent

My toddler is a loving, cute little boy. He runs to greet me with a bear hug when I pick him up from day care. He kisses his sister in the morning to wake her up. He also throws inanimate objects at people’s heads when he’s pissed.

Last night, we were at a dinner party at a friend’s house. All was going smoothly, barring the fact that my toddler slurped down his juice then proceeded to steal/drink every other child’s Capri Sun. Things were going relatively well until I told him it was time to clean up. Yeah, he wanted none of that. So, he did his usual toddler-turned-Godzilla thing and stomped through the games and toys I’d been telling him to put away. When I tried to stop him, he took the empty Capri Sun he was holding and chucked it at the face of one of the other adult guests. Then, he cackled as he ran away, gazing back at me with that, “Try and catch me now sucka” look on his face. That did not end well for him. Fast forward through the discipline and tears… he apologized to the man.

How is it that he can be SO exceedingly sweet one minute and pure rotten the next? There’s no middle ground. No shades of gray. Just halo to horns in 30 seconds flat.

Any other folks living through the Terrible Twos/Threes/Teenage years?

8 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Kim
    Mar 19, 2012 @ 14:59:44

    When moments like that happen I simply blame my husband’s genes pool for it because I obviously was an angel at that age ;-). If it makes you feel any better my 4yr old is still going through this age since he was 18months, my 2yr old learns by her brothers mistakes.


  2. Michaela
    Mar 19, 2012 @ 15:05:41

    My son is 2 1/2 and he is the same way, except his biggest tantrums come when he is told No or don’t do something (usually dangerous, he is quite the dare devil) from a very young age we have made him do chores such as cleaning up his toys and small things like that. I’ve been feeling that I have a “wild child” because when he is in a fit and rage he likes to bite, kick, spit and pinch. Lately our biggest battle has been at the grocery store, (he has embarrassed me too many times) most would say just leave and do your shopping another time, but usually when I am shopping there is no other time. Man thing is consistancy make your ground rules and stick with them no matter what! Good luck with your little feller 🙂


    • Mom Land
      Mar 19, 2012 @ 15:58:25

      Michaela, the biting still gets me. It’s like petting a dog you’re not sure of. I never know when those teeth will come out!


      • Michaela
        Mar 20, 2012 @ 14:10:56

        Yes, agreed! But it still seems stressful now but all the hard work we are doing as parents will pay off one day! Than when we become grandparents they can do it and know how we felt 😉

      • Mom Land
        Mar 20, 2012 @ 14:33:02

        Yes! Feed them candy and send them home!

  3. Mom Land
    Mar 19, 2012 @ 15:56:38

    Kim, of course we were angels! 🙂
    A 4 year old and a 2 year old? You must still be an angel to put up with the day to day battles that accompany that!


  4. kebibarra
    Mar 20, 2012 @ 10:26:49

    Yup, know exactly what your talking about! lol


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